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Success at Varsoviada

We are happy to announce the success of our team! Vistula University volleyball team won at Varsoviada!

10 time in the history of Vistula University our representatives tried their hand at Varsoviada. The competition was held from 10-11 of November at the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education, Marymoncka street no 34. Traditionally, the participants competed in the individual disciplines: cross-country running, rowing, swimming, table tennis and team sports: basketball, soccer, volleyball.

We played a match with Warsaw University of Technology, the Academy of National Defence and the always dangerous Academy of Physical Education. We won quite easily with the Warsaw University of Technology 2:0 (15:11, 15:7) and with the Academy of National Defence 2:0 (15:3, 15:7), a lot of emotion gave us the meeting with the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education. The match was very balanced but Vistula University won 2:1 (13:15, 15:8, 15:13).

On Wednesday’s semi-final game our team won with Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego 2:1, and with Military Technical Academy 2:0 (15:10, 15:4).

We received a Varsoviada Champions title for the second time!

Vistula University volleyball team was represented by: Anna Wądołkowska, Agnieszka Banasiak, Sandra Zaczkowska, Monika Bociek, Maria Matskula, Yana Mudra, Maryna Borovska, Karolina Szybińska and Polina Berdnyk.


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