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Students Vistula Univesity in China

This winter I found out that students of Computer Science department from Vistula University were invited for second time to take part in exchange program with Tianjin University of Technology in China. This exchange was supported by Confucius office of Vistula University and thanks to both sides was well organized –
students Anastazja Levdik

As I said it was second exchange, and I was lucky enough to participate in both of them. When applying for a this exchange first time I was very scared – if I can survive in almost unknown country? It seemed like everything would be very difficult and hard, but as it turned out, the receiving university organized everything to ensure a comfortable visit and adaptation.

University has an international office, in order to simplify life and provide a comprehensive assistance to foreign students. Thanks to workers of this office we did not have time to get bored at our leisure. As students of the IT department we studied courses that are related to our specialty and also we were offered two additional courses – Chinese language and Chinese culture. All studies were in English. At the same time a variety of excursions in the surrounding area of the city and workshops on Chinese crafts has been arranged for us by international office in order to deepen our knowledge of China.

The University is very large, as well as the campus, which is home to more than 20 thousands of students at the same time. All foreign students lived on the same floor of foreign dormitory, this is a good opportunity to practice English and Chinese in your every day situations, know other countries, customs and become more ‘international’ person. I think the most valuable experience of my staying in China – this is what I become more independent and have learned how to find a solution in every problem by my own, even if I couldn’t speak any local language.

Despite the complexity of language and the great difference in the cultures of China and Europe, of course, I would recommend others to take part in such programs of Confucius office, because, as I think it is a very good opportunity to improve knowledge, personal qualities, as well as get acquainted with good people from all over the world. Such programs take you out from your comfort zone, give you a little bit of fair shake and give you a huge boost to the study of languages and to improve yourself.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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