Santander Scholarship Skills – find out how to manage your time while working remotely

Remote work has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no doubt, however, that following the pandemic, many of us will be working on-line. What should you do to make the most of your time to work and increase your efficiency? Take advantage of the Santander Scholarship Skills, and find out how to manage your time with regard to remote work. Recruitment has just started.
Santander Scholarship Skills | Time Management in remote work, is addressed to students of: 1st and 2nd degree studies, post-graduate studies, graduates (up to 5 years after graduation), and employees: administrative, teaching, and management staff of Vistula University and the Vistula School of Hospitality.
Recruitment is in progress: from August the 6th to November the 15th, 2021.
The project comprises two e-learning courses on Time Management, and the use of IT support tools in remote working. After completing the two courses, participants will obtain a certificate issued by Vistula University.
Course 1. “Competences in remote work” focuses on issues related to the organisation of remote work, with an emphasis on prioritisation skills in achieving goals, inter-team communication, and the development of soft skills related to remote work.
Course 2. “Communication tools in virtual teams” focuses on information technology related to distributed teams, as the basic tools for team communication. It presents the specific aspects of working in virtual teams, and raises such issues as task scheduling and reporting.
At the end of each course, the participants take an obligatory test of five questions. To receive a certificate, participants must achieve a score of 80% minimum. The number of attempts to take the tests is unlimited, so, participants can take them as many times as requested, until they obtain adequate results.
After completing the two courses, participants can take part in a competition: “How do you best deal with challenges in remote work, and what can you recommend to others?” and win prizes, which are tools used for remote working.
Participants will be informed about the results of the competition by e-mail.
The deadline for completing the courses and submitting competition works: November the 30th, 2021.