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Ruud Janssen joins Vistula

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Ruud Janssen, one of the most prominent figures in the global meeting industry, founder and managing director of TNOC (The New Objective Collective), began lectures at the internationalized Tourism and Recreation in the Vistula Group of Universities. During the next two semesters he will come to the weekly sessions, lecturing on IT and Strategic Management. Apart from him the international staff of Tourism and Recreation will soon join Dr. Christos Anagnostopoulos from Molde University College in Norway and Rob Davidson of the British MICE Knowledge.

The internationalized of Tourism and Recreation program was created in cooperation with four universities from the European Union and the United States. Students are taught in four management specializations: hospitality management, event management, sport management and gastronomy management. They will also take abroad internships and will benefit from two summer schools. Some of them will have provided scholarships covering tuition or maintenance costs.

The program is co-financed by NCBiR under the InterTour project of the “Knowledge Development Education” Operational Program. The Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management will receive 1,4 mln PLN for it..

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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