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Project “U3elnia. Warszawsko-Bieliński Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku”.

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Seniors are an increasing portion of society. Already, every seventh Pole is over 65 years old. Unfortunately, many of them are at home alone, and have limited contact with people, and give up on certain pleasures. They become invisible. We want to get them out of the shadows. The Vistula School of Hospitality is duly starting with the project: “U3elnia. Warszawsko-Bieliński Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku”.

The official inauguration of the project “U3elnia. Warszawsko-Bieliński Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku” took place on January the 29th, 2019, in Huta Szklana in the Bieliny commune. The partnership contract for its implementation was signed by: the Rector of the Vistula School of Hospitality, Prof. PhD. Jolanta Żyśko, the Mayor of Bieliny, Sławomir Kopacz, and the President of the Optimum Pareto Foundation, Marcin Woźniak.

The recruitment of project participants, seniors from Warsaw and Bieliny, will begin on February the 15th, 2019.

This is a response to the ageing aspect of our society. The number of seniors is growing, and children are born in lesser numbers. This is a difficult situation laced with serious social and economic consequences. That is why activating seniors and their integration, is so important. The quality of their lives, and psychological well-being, also depend on this.

That’s why the strategy of ‘active ageing’ was created. It is based on the assumptions that all people are valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate in social life in an active way, regardless of age.

Educational institutions can play an important role in supporting seniors.

That is why the Vistula School of Hospitality, together with its partners, the Bieliny Commune in the Świętokrzyskie Province, and the Optimum Pareto Foundation, will start the U3elnia project within the framework of the Third Age University.

160 seniors over 60 years of age, including 100 women, will take part in the project courses, training sessions, and summer schools. They will develop competences, allowing for:

  • social and professional activation;
  • broadening general and specialist knowledge;
  • development of interests;
  • stimulation of educational and cultural activity;
  • preventing social exclusion.

Programme participants will gain practical knowledge about:

  • healthy lifestyles;
  • entrepreneurship and senior finance;
  • genealogy;
  • folk culture.

Seniors are important members of our society. We must help them, activate, and encourage them to participate in the life of local communities. This is our responsibility, and the key to building a more integrated society.

The project has been approved and co-financed by the European Union.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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