Home / News / Prof. Witold Orlowski became a Rector of Vistula University

Prof. Witold Orlowski became a Rector of Vistula University

Respected in Poland and in the world economist, prof. dr. Witold Orlowski was appointed as a rector of the Vistula University. The new head has began to hold office at the end of February 2016.

Vistula University – forming part of the VISTULA Group of Universities – is a reputable, Warsaw non-public school. It offers studiesof first and second degree, engineering, graduate, MBA and doctoral seminars. Educates students in the economic-financial, managerial, architectural, computer and graphics, philological and social communication fields. In Vistula University you can also get a diploma of University of London – London School of Economics. In 2015 it was ranked as 5th in the ranking of private universities by “Perspectives” publication and 2nd in terms of internationalization. It is a member of international organizations, institutions of higher education: EFMD, CEEMAN, IAU, Wace and ACCA.

– “We are very honored that Prof. Orlowski decided to accept the invitation to take over as Rector of Vistula University. Since nearly 25 years in the Polish academic environment we place emphasis on both the quality of education and interesting educational offer, as well as cooperation with companies and practitioners in the field of entrepreneurship, economic, and social affairs. We believe that the vast experience of His Magnificence will strengthen the scientific and research potential, as well as the business of our university,”- said the President of Vistula University.

Witold Orlowski is a professor of economics. He specializes in applied econometrics and macroeconomics, economics of transition and European integration of countries of Central and Eastern Europe. He graduated in economics from the University of Lodz, then educated at Harvard University. Doctoral degree from the University of Lodz, habilitation at Warsaw University. In 2007 he received the title of professor of economic sciences. He was a professor and director of the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. In 2005 he was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland.

– “Vision directing appreciated, resilient non-public school, in addition, with a strong international character, I find very interesting. In my opinion we should develop higher educationin that direction. Keeping university, which has the ambition to compete with the best public universities, despite the lack of budget subsidies, is a solid challenge. First of all, I will seek to strengthen the capacity of Vistula University market schools with economic business. I would like to see more students who after graduation will have a real impact on the future of our country and the European Union “- said prof. dr. Witold Orlowski.

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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