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Prestige, free course of Strategic Management

After two years of effort, the first Polish MBA program joined the American platform Canvas – a mass, free, online education. Strategic Management course developed by Vistula University, can be used by anyone who thinks about their own business

Classes for current and future managers will start on April 17th and will last for eight weeks. You will be able learn at any time from anywhere in the world. The course is developed in English and ends with Canvas certification – which is recognized by many foreign universities and employers.

-Within eight weeks, we will give our students all the tools they need to build a business strategy, evaluate the company’s effectiveness and overcome competition – says Dr. Krzysztof Wojewodzic, EdiTech Director of Vistula University. – Everything is for free. All you need is a computer, access to the internet and a desire to develop professionally and personally. The course helps you not only in managing your company, but also in making the choices we make in our personal life.

Every two weeks student will receive new lectures, films and exercises, and they will have to resolve a strategic business problem (case study). Resolvoing all 4 problems is a condition to pass and obtain a certificate issued by Canvas and Vistula University.

Canvas is one of the most prestigious MOOC platforms (mass open online course). The first MOOC platforms were initiated by Harvard University and MIT, which decided that the knowledge of the best scientists should be available to everyone and free of charge.

– Free and high quality knowledge, for many people is a chance to develop interests, get better paid work, and even start their own business – adds Dr. Krzysztof Wojewodzic.

The biggest courses on the MOOC platforms were able to attract hundreds of thousands of people. Within just a few days of starting the registration, several hundred people registered for Strategic Management. You can apply until April 16th on the Canvas website:


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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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