Home / News / Missionary trips expirience with Katarzyna Gieryn

Missionary trips expirience with Katarzyna Gieryn

Modern society always appreciates people who sacrifice from their lives and go far from home to the poor countries to share knowledge, culture, experience. But especially we appreciate people who treat and heal. We are having an honor to invite our students to the meeting with Kasia Gieryn.

She is a doctor, traveler and photographer. It seems, that she always knew she will be a doctor and will work in Africa, also founding the project, then the Foundation of the Medici Homini was only a matter of time. Her daily work is being a resident doctor of Obstetrics Department, Women health and Gynecology Oncology Department in the Regional Hospital Complex in Toruń.

The activities of the Medici Homini Project is based on the work of volunteers. To prepare the people who will go to work in the centers of the mission, you have to put a lot of work.

Medici Homini wants to support mission fields materially aids with special focus on medical supplies, but also logistically and spiritually. Anyone willing to share their skills in a Project will find a place for himself.

You can check the project information more detailed here: http://medicihomini.pl/index.php

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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