Home / News / International Education Fair PERSPEKTYWY 2019. We will be there too!

International Education Fair PERSPEKTYWY 2019. We will be there too!

salon edukacyjny, grupa, balony, plakaty

From March the 8th to the 9th, 2019, the XXIst International Education Fair, PERSPEKTYWY 2019 will be held in the exhibition halls of the Culture and Science Palace in Warsaw.

This is one of the most important educational events in the year, which is addressed to both high school graduates, and students in their final-year classes of technical or high school. For young people, it is a chance to acquire knowledge, which will allow them to take key decisions about the choice of their educational path.

The best Polish and foreign universities will be presented during the Fair. We will be there, too. The Vistula Group of Universities will present its offer of first and second degree studies, full-time and part-time programmes, also online, in Polish and English. We will show that young people do not have to travel abroad to learn and gain experience in an international environment. At GUV, we currently educate over 5,000 students from 83 countries. Our lecturers come from all continents.

The programme of the Fair also includes the advice of experts of the Regional Examination Commission in Warsaw on the subject of the Baccalaureate 2019, career advisor consultations, and workshops for high school graduates.

We invite you on March the 8th-9th, 2019, to the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.

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