Home / News / Member to EU Parliament Adam Szejfeld with the lecture at Vistula University

Member to EU Parliament Adam Szejfeld with the lecture at Vistula University

March 19, 2007 at Vistula University Institute of International Relations has hosted a member of the European Parliament, Adam Szejnfeld. At full Senate Hall he gave a lecture entitled “The Union on the cusp.”

  1. EU countries have created over several decades the community, which is not in the world – with a few exceptions, a world of peace and prosperity.
  2. Almost from the beginning, but in the Community appearing cracks, which meant that at present the EU is serious turn.
  3. Union struggles among the financial crisis that triggered the creation of anti-European forces, socialization of the economy and energy dependence. Spada solidarity of the states – the strongest economies are not interested in supporting weaker
  4. The problem of migration and refugee waves a gigantic crisis of EU solidarity. Accustomed to peace Union afraid to get involved in improving the situation in the East.
  5. In the overall evaluation of the operation of the Community can say that “fortunately we have problems” because they offer opportunities to verify the attitudes and solutions, and consequently, build stronger foundations of the Community.
  6. The balance of Polish membership of the EU is undoubtedly positive. Over more than a decade Poland has achieved high growth in economic indicators as GDP, exports, the number of new jobs while unemployment reduction. Poland is a leader in the use of EU subsidies.

In the debate after the lecture was attended by members of the Bureau of the Conference: Rector SGTiR PhD. Jolanta Zyśko, prof. SGTIR, prof. dr. Longin Pastusiak, director of the ISM AFib Vistula, Dr. Bartholomew E. Nowak, as well as numerous guests – lecturers and students of the Group Vistula University.

Adam Szejnfeld a Master of law, a former activist of the “Solidarity”, entrepreneur, Local Government and deputy to the Sejm five term. He is also the author of the so-called. “Package Szejnfeld” – the largest in recent years, a set of rules deregulation Polish administrative law and economic. Currently, as a Member of the European Parliament is a member of three committees: International Trade (INTA), the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and Development (DEVE).

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