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Meeting with Mr Marek Grochala

We have pleased to report what we finished first meetup in section “Evening” which took place 13th of October. We discussed about “How to start career in IT” and to make it much interesting and interactive – we invited the Head of the IT company of evojam (evojam.com).

Our guest Marek Grochala told us his story of start career. Also how and when he decided to make own company. But it is not the main reason of our event. After introducing we started to ask Marek’s some advice about how all the same in our time to enter the job and not to fall face into the dirt at the first difficult task. Each Marek’s answer was reinforced by examples and situations what he got by experience.
Usually we spend on each event about 1 hour, but this time it took more than 1 hour and 30 minutes included official part for questions. And even after that attendees didn’t let Marek to relax 🙂
This event gathered about 50 people. So, That was awesome time-spending for our special guest and every attendee.
VWW team glad to see so big interest from students and preparing a small surprise for every person in community.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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