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Meeting of Mentoring Program

Second general meeting of Mentoring Program was held on 19.03.2016.

The meeting started with the speech of the head of the Mentoring Program- Mr.Ahmet Aydin.He especially concentrated on the general process of the program and appreciated mentor teachers’ and mentors’ cooperations and efforts in this program.

At the meeting some mentor teachers and more than 25 mentor students came together and discussed some important issues.During the meeting,mentor teachers shared their interesting experiences,opinions about the program and suggestions with mentors.All mentor students- one by one -also shared their good memories with their mentees,talked about the problems which they met during a month and suggested some activities out of the university like the museum tour, picnic and so on.

Moreover, the web page and social medias of the program were another topic of the meeting and some additions and corrections were made about them.

At the end of the meeting, all participants got the handbook of the Mentoring Program.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

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