Home / News / Lifestyle Coaching at Vistula – we started recruiting

Lifestyle Coaching at Vistula – we started recruiting

grafika, life balance, kobieta

We follow the latest trends and react immediately to the market needs. That is why in our offer there is a new master’s course at the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management – Lifestyle Coaching (in polish).

More and more people want to live in harmony with themselves and with their surroundings. They are becoming more and more aware that their health, image, energy and career depends of their lifestyle. They need advice, support and motivation to discover their needs, learn about the possibilities and change their lives for the better – in the physical, spiritual and professional dimensions.

Lifestyle Coaching is a response to these needs. The market of the industry focused on motivating people to pro-health behaviors and ensuring their well-being is growing dynamically.

Recruitment for studies has already begun. The course will start after obtaining the consent of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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