Home / News / ‘JobSpot, 2019’. We invite you to the jobs fair at the Vistula Group of Universities

‘JobSpot, 2019’. We invite you to the jobs fair at the Vistula Group of Universities

Job infographic
Start: Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 10:00

How to find the perfect employee or employer? The Vistula Group of Universities meets these challenges, and invites you for the seventh time to ‘JobSpot’ a jobs fair, which will take place on April the 4th, 2019.

Previous editions of the jobs fair aroused great interest. Also, this time, we expect a higher turnout.

– During JobSpot, we want to enable employers, students, and graduates to contact each other directly – emphasises Ewa Wolniewicz, Director of the Vistula Career Office.

The Vistula Group of Universities focuses on both hard and soft competences, so, JobSpot is a chance for companies to acquire the perfect trainee or employee.

We provide employers with comfortable conditions for presentations and conversations:

  • a chance to discover the greatest talents among Vistula’s students;
  • convenient infrastructure;
  • friendly aura;
  • professional atmosphere;
  • a unique formula (workshops, educational game, internship zone).

Our students and graduates have very different, proven competences:

  • they come from 84 countries;
  • are aware of the importance of developing competences;
  • have experience in intercultural communication;
  • they know different languages;
  • thanks to their studies in an international environment, they are open and flexible.

We offer a special internship programme:

  • the programme is implemented as part of the EU project for the courses of management, IT, international relations, tourism and recreation, and dietetics;
  • it is pure profit for our partners – they do not incur any costs;
  • the university pays the trainee. and his guardian receives a bonus;
  • the internship lasts 4 months, and the student has to work 135 hours a month.
  • We invite students of full-time and part-time studies to participate in JobSpot. It’s a chance for you to:
  • gain and deepen your knowledge about the labour market;
  • find a job or internship;
  • gain experience and tips that will help you develop your career.

The Vistula Group of Universities is the leader of innovative education. It is also the most internationalised, higher education institute in Poland. We are looking for new contacts and partners willing to co-operate – for the benefit of both parties.

You’re welcome.

JobSpot – April the 4th, 2019, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

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The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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