Inauguration of the New Academic Year 2023/2024 at the A. Gieysztor Academy in Pułtusk

On October 22, Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Rector of Vistula University, opened the New Academic Year, 2023/2024, at a Vistula University branch, the A. Gieysztor Academy in Pułtusk.
The event participants were welcomed by Professor Małgorzata Gogolewska-Tośka, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the A. Gieysztor Academy in Pułtusk, who wished them a lot of success and satisfaction in the New Academic Year.
The Latin maxim “Non scholae sed vitae discimus” or “We do not learn for school, we learn for life” was the main motto of the speech delivered by Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Rector of Vistula University. Addressing the ceremony participants, the Rector emphasized that students need to gain knowledge with the view of using this acquired knowledge and skills in their professional lives. He pointed out that such a need is a natural and inspiring basis for studying the fields taught at the University. – During your studies, you should remember about the future usefulness of this knowledge – emphasized Professor Konarski, who also wished everyone good health as a foundation for successful studies and work.
According to our tradition, the ceremony included a solemn act of Matriculation which was a unique experience for students beginning their studies. A new, fascinating stage of life opens up before them.
The inaugural lecture was delivered by Professor Zbigniew Romek, PhD who spoke about the importance of words as a communication tool.