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Help Ruslan – it could have happened to you!

mężczyzna, student, rynek

Ruslan found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. He suffered from a sad accident in the very heart of Warsaw. On Sunday, September 22nd, a young man committed suicide jumping out from the 18th store of a skyscraper and he fell on Ruslan Prodchenko, an 18-year-old student of Vistula University who just happened to be on the way.

Ruslan miraculously survived and a few days ago, he woke up from a coma. He is going to have a severe head surgery estimated at 100,000 PLN and then one year of rehabilitation. The insurance covers only the costs of the initial treatment phase.

Ruslan has every chance of full recovery. He still may resume studies and play his beloved basketball. However, conditionally. Ruslan needs your open heart and material help. His friends from Vistula University and parents are collecting money for his treatment through the portal: https://zrzutka.pl/rmnkbz.

Please, do not hesitate, make your own contribution by joining the collection! Accidents like that can happen to any of us or to those we love. In this tragic incident, as we can longer save the life of one young man, let’s do everything to secure the health and future of the other.

Share information on Ruslan’s drama and collection on social media. Each small donation counts.

Help give Ruslan a chance. He’s got his whole life ahead of him!

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