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Graduation Ceremony 2015/2016

Say goodbye to the Academic Year 2015/2016! We kindly invite last year students (BA and MA degree) to the Graduation Ceremony. We guarantee an unforgettable impressions, plenty of attractions and surprises!

We kindly invite you to the Graduation Ceremony which will be held on 10th of June at 6 o’clock p.m. at Vistula University campus.

If you are first or second degree graduate or you plan to receive your diploma later (till 30th of October 2016) join the end of Academic Year celebration! You can invite your family (max 2 persons)

During the Ceremony Day, our students receive a biretta with the University logo, everyone will be able to rent a toga, and make commemorative group photo.

Application Form is given below.

Applications are accepted until May 15, 2016.

Photo session

If you would like to receive a souvenir with your photo (during the Graduation Ceremony) please come to classroom no 316, on 17-18 th May between 9 o’clock a.m.-7 o’clock p.m. Photo session is adressed directly to those people who fill out the application form.

The cost of 70 PLN includes:

Academic mortarboard with embroidery (to be owned).
Hiring of a classic, black gown.
A group picture with your fellow students and the teaching staff.
The amount of 70 PLN should be paid to the following account
PL 49 2490 0005 0000 4520 8418 9996 please, include your name and surname as well as the student record book No.

Please, fill the application form and make the payment by May 15th, 2016
After this date application forms will not be accepted

If you have any questions, please, send an e-mail to: a.gawrych@vistula.edu.pl

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