Home / News / To gain health, energy, and a better night’s sleep. Join the Academic Vistula Choir !

To gain health, energy, and a better night’s sleep. Join the Academic Vistula Choir !

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Researchers have thoroughly investigated the impact of singing in the choir on the human condition. They have evidence that it helps with sadness, fatigue, and shyness. Singing together, guarantees a happy life and a lot of benefits:

  • you open yourself to others;
  • you strengthen yourself, emotionally;
  • you gain health and energy;
  • you sleep well;
  • you study and work better.

The Academic Choir Vistula, cordially invites students and employees to join its singing ranks.

Everyone can learn to sing and get a lot of pleasure from it. Recruitment is in progress! Contact address: chor.club@vistula.edu.pl

The rehearsals take place in room number 15:

  • on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm;
  • on Wednesdays at 11:00 am.

The Academic Choir Vistula has been in operation since 2013, and it is run by a fantastic conductor, Sławomir Leszczyński, a graduate of symphony music and opera, conducting at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. For years, he has been associated with the academic environment. Recently, he has also worked with Polish pilots – he conducts both the choir and instrumental group of the Military Academy in Dęblin.

ATTENTION! Voice emission classes

We also offer to scientific and administrative staff, a free workshop on voice emission, conducted by Mr. Sławomir Leszczyński.

Practices will help you to:

  • keep the vocal organs healthy and active;
  • improve the quality of breathing;
  • regulate the heart’s action.

We plan activities once a week. The dates to be agreed. Contact: chor.club@vistula.edu.pl

See you!

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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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