Home / News / “From the studio” – an exhibition of works by Graphic Design students

“From the studio” – an exhibition of works by Graphic Design students

Once again, Vistula University students of Graphic Design will present their works at the exhibition organized in the Pinakoteka gallery of the “Alternative” Ursynów Cultural Center. The vernissage will take place on October 11 at 4:00 p.m. 

The exhibition will present graphics made in techniques including linocut, drypoint, etching, aquatint and mokulito. The works were created during classes in the graphic arts studio under the supervision of Magdalena Nowakowska-Troniewska, PhD, Magdalena Cybulska, PhD and Anna Dybowska, M.A. 

Artistic graphics is a field that requires patience, perseverance, and humility. It is necessary to follow technological rules and process requirements.  

Artists who prefer traditional techniques, appreciate the fact that they can work directly with the material, with a matrix, press, paints, rollers, or paper. When they get dirty, they feel that they are working, that they are authentic. 

The opportunity to learn traditional techniques is a valuable experience, as well as the opportunity to see how old masters worked. 

The exhibition will be open until November 15. 

We cordially invite you!

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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