Home / News / Europe needs people with eastern experience – Vice President of the European Parliament for Vistula students

Europe needs people with eastern experience – Vice President of the European Parliament for Vistula students

European Union international relations – this was the main topic of lecture given in May 2015 at Vistula University by Mr Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice President of the European Parliament. Few days later we have met our guest speaker in Sejm building – the lower house of the Polish Parliament. What kind of advice he has for Vistula Students? How they may find themselves at EU labor market?

Vistula University: Students of Vistula University come from about 40 countries in the world. How do you think, how they may find themselves on the EU labor market?

Ryszard Czarnecki: Poland is integral part of European labor market, and if students from Ukraine or from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgistan ect., will study in your university, I think it may open the door for their career in Europe. Poland is a very good bridge, and graduates of your university will have chance or big chance, for really good job in Poland, or in another western countries.

What are the most needed skills in EU?

Ryszard Czarnecki: Students form East can be very attractive for our western partners, because now we have era of globalization, and Europe or West need people with eastern experience, eastern background. And I’m sure that this people, especially who have also western background, for example at your university, can be very attractive for firms in France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, ect. I think also, especially now, when many firms invest in Ukraine, but also central Asia, your students from this countries, will have big chance for good career in homeland, but in cooperation with western capital.

How students may succeed on the labor market?

Ryszard Czarnecki: My advice is from my experience: I see three main reasons of success in political life and in good job, firstly – workaholism, secondly – workaholism, number three – workaholism, plus flexibility.

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