Home / News / Elections are over, Vistula Universities have a new Student Council

Elections are over, Vistula Universities have a new Student Council

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Great! You have chosen a new Council.

It consists of students, including from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Georgia and India. They represent all faculties, learn at first and second degreee studies. On November 13, this organization, very important for all of us, officially started its work.

Elene Kintsurashvili, third year student of International Relations became the president of the Vistula University Student Council. As she says, she came to Warsaw from Georgia with a strong desire to explore the world and make changes. – I come from a small but beautiful country with a rich culture and heavenly cuisine – emphasizes Elena, who already has experience working in the Student Council. Last year she was also the president of the

organization. “It was a difficult time, gave me a lot of joy, as well” she says. – Together with my team, I was happy to work on many events and projects and represent the University outside. However, it can always be even better – adds Elene. – I can assure you that thanks to my experience, I am unconditionally motivated to achieve even more this year, so that the Student Council will become a real bridge between students and University Staff.

The president of the new Student Council at the Vistula School of Hospitality also has experience in managing the organization. Yegor Cserepnyov performed this function last year. He came to Warsaw from Belarus. Currently, he is a 3rd-year student in Tourism and Recreation. “I love being around people, organizing events and conferences around the world,” says Jegor. – I have extensive experience in management and communication – he adds. Jegor insists that his goal is to make the University even better.

Soon, Vistula Student Council will define the rules of work and design an action plan for the current academic year.

Its main task is to help students solve problems they encounter at the University and to support staff in the process of better understanding the needs of young people. The Student Council makes every effort to ensure that you are well heard and taken seriously, strives to implement the changes you expect.

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