The Rector of the Vistula University Professor Witold Orłowski & the Dean of Faculty of Business and International Relations Professor Juliusz Kotyński have the pleasure to invite you to The International Conference on ECONOMIES OF POLAND AND UKRAINE IN FACE OF CURRENT ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHALLENGES organized at VISTULA UNIVERSITY on the 14th November 2016 in Warsaw.
Aims and subjects of the conference:
Economies of Poland and Ukraine in face of current economic and social challenges
Economic and social development of Central and East European countries, and notably Ukraine, proceeds now in difficult external and internal conditions. Transformations of the world economy advance rapidly. The global financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009 accelerated structural changes associated with internationalization of economies, the ICT revolution and a reconfiguration of shares of advanced and developing market economies in the global output. Yet, the income disparities among and within countries remain substantial and are often growing. Due to a prolonged period of slow global growth and a fall in world commodity prices, the economic and social conditions of many emerging and transforming economies have become more problematic. Deep transformations in world economy are accompanied by internal and international tensions and conflicts, of economic, political, social, ethnic and military nature, resulting in human suffering and losses, and material destructions, in some Eastern European, African and Asian countries. Outflows of thousands of refugees from these countries and territories to Europe have become a severe problem for many host countries. Migrations aggravated also social tensions and nationalistic sentiments in countries of the European Union. In June 2016, the results of British referendum on leaving the European Union opened a serious political crisis within the EU that is likely to have a damaging impact on the process of European integration and its eastward enlargement. Thus the economies of Ukraine and Poland, and their enterprises, are facing high risks and vital challenges for their development, resulting from internal and external instabilities, in Europe and elsewhere, and from enhanced international competition and conflicts. Sustaining or improving the international competitive position of both countries, and their companies, requires creation and implementation of proper development strategies. For successful expansion of firms, creation and a proper use of human capital is necessary, to enhance professional knowledge and social competences of their managers and staff, including notably their capabilities to promote innovative technologies and management and marketing processes, also on international markets. Such activities should be supported by adequate instruments of government economic policies. In connection with those needs and risks for both countries, the conference debate should be focused on such issues, as:
Experiences, problems and prospects for further development, transition and European economic integration of Poland and Ukraine.
Eastern Partnership of the European Union in a new perspective.
Ukrainian and Polish students and graduates on the labour market.
Small and medium-sized enterprises and startups in Poland and Ukraine.
Institutional experiences in export promotion.
Possibilities and methods of trade intensification between both countries.
Exchange of best practices and potential ways for Polish-Ukrainian co-operation in exports to other markets.
More information about the conference HERE