Home / News / Donald Trump, the first such president of the United States

Donald Trump, the first such president of the United States

książka, Donald Trump, plakat

An eccentric billionaire, an uncritical narcissist, an enemy of elites, immigrants and women: such a person couldn’t possibly become the president of the United States, experts stressed. Today, we know how wrong they were, as President Donald Trump brings political commentators to despair every day!

  • Is he a savvy politician with a reasonable long-term plan for the United States and the whole world, standing behind a mask of an unpredictable risk taker?
  • What does Donald Trump’s presidency mean for Poland and Europe?
  • What policy should we pursue, in relation to current authorities, of our most important military ally?

We invite you to a fascinating debate, that will take place as part of the American Thursdays in the Main Library of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, with the participation of Professor Longin Pastusiak – a lecturer at Vistula University, and author of the book, ’Donald Trump. The first such president of the United States’ and Zygmunt Janiec, PhD. Artur W. Wróblewski, PhD, will chair the event.

We invite all interested.

On May the 23rd, 2019, at 6:00 pm

Conference Room of the Main Library of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Koszykowa Street 26/28

Free admission!

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