Home / News / Distinguished Professor, Turcologist Tadeusz Majda meets Vistulians

Distinguished Professor, Turcologist Tadeusz Majda meets Vistulians

The largest living veteran of Turcology in Poland and the Head of Orientalist Department at the national library of Poland prof. Tadeusz Majda gave a lecture to students at Vistula University on 22nd of March.

After drinking coffee and a warm conversation with the chairman of Vistula Group of Universities – he led the session . The subject of the seminar was “Turcology’s yesterday and today in Poland”. Students and prospective academics of Vistula University attended the event which lasted an hour.

Participants were very pleased and in the “questions and answers” part, the professor was directed various questions. “I’m very glad to be offering a seminar as such at Vistula University”-said the famous academician. He also added that he is ready to run courses in the Department of Turcology at Vistula University next year. At the end of the program, participants took a photo with prof. Tadeusz Majda together.

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