We discover talents – the Competency Development Program

In the beginning of this academic year the Vistula Group of Universities is introducing a professional, innovative Competence Development Program. Our students will get known their strongest sides, will develop them during the studies and will use them to choose the right path of their careers. The program was developed by prominent HR experts and the best Polish professionals of the competence management.
The Competency Development Program consists of three stages. The first one is done online. The student solves the situational tasks and indicates the best and worst answer. In the second stage, she or he meets with a career counselor, who analyzes the results of the test. Thanks to it the student will know her or his strongest sides and will know if it is fit for the direction of study. In the last stage, during a few meetings with an expert, further development path and future career of the student are determined. Competencies (communicativeness, teamwork, entrepreneurship and self-presentation) will be explored and 2-3 additional competencies related to the field of study.
– Thanks to the Competency Development Program, our students will be aware of their potential already at the beginning of higher education and will understand how to effectively use it in their career development. They will be aware of their talents and professional counselors will show them how to use them professionally, – says Anna Plewa, head of the Career Office of the Vistula Group of Universities.
The conclusions of the tests will be addressed to the heads of programs who will be able to develop the curriculum on their basis to reinforce the student’s strongest sides and to address their shortcomings. During the studies and at the end, each student will be able to go through the process again to assess progress. The test is built in accordance with the official Polish Classification of professions and specialties, and its results are recognized by the largest corporations and can be used in the recruitment. If the students wish, the results of their research will go directly to chosen companies.
– The mission of our University is not only to provide students with knowledge but also to support them to build a career. The Competency Development Program will allow us to measure the effectiveness of these activities, and systematically improve its quality and adapt it to the requirements of the labor market – sums up prof. Witold Orłowski, rector of Vistula University.
The project is co-funded by the European Union under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development. The tests will start at the beginning of the academic year. They will be run in two languages – Polish and English. All students of the Vistula Group of Universities will be able to use them.