Home / News / Crowds of visitors at stand of SGTiR on 21. Science Picnic

Crowds of visitors at stand of SGTiR on 21. Science Picnic

Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management was one of the participants of the 21. Science Picnic at the National Stadium. The largest open-air science event in Europe was visited by more than 100 thousand people. Our stand was inspired by the slogan “Respect the gifts of the earth”.

Among the most interesting attractions at SGTiR stand were individual dietary advices and analyses of body type, composition or fat. The attention of visitors was also attracted by specialist knowledge of our experts and dietetic students who taught their guests, how to store food in order not to waste it and explain how huge damage the environment it can be. They also gave tips how diet helps in the treatment of civilization diseases. There were also many competitions and games for children and adults. Our stand also attracted the attention of the journalists and we could admire them in the on TVP2 and Polish Radio. The aim of the Science Picnic is to spread knowledge from various scientific disciplines by presenting interesting experiments which show science as a very exciting field of life. Every year, about 200 institutions from Poland and around the world participate in this event.

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Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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