Home / News / Coronavirus 2019-nCoV – preventive measures at Vistula Universities

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV – preventive measures at Vistula Universities

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No cases of infection with the coronavirus 2019-nCoV from Wuhan has yet been detected in Poland. However, since foreign students may come from regions affected, the authorities of Vistula University decided to take extra precautions. The security of the entire university community is most important to us.

  • We are in contact with students from China, we follow their fate and return to Poland in cooperation with the embassy of China.
  • We have asked students coming from countries where the virus is present to come to the university campus 2 weeks after arriving in Poland if they had no symptoms.
  • We have sent students information about the precautions they should take to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Disinfectant soap is available in campus toilets. The trays are marked accordingly.
  • Stickers on how to wash your hands effectively will appear in toilets.
  • Dispensers with hand disinfectant will be suspended at aid points.
  • Employees receive a computer keyboard cleaner at the reception. Everyone does it on their own.
  • We have introduced disinfection of door handles, handrails and elevator buttons on our campus.

The incubation period for the coronavirus 2019-nCoV is from 2 to 14 days. The virus spreads typically via saliva droplets, respiratory system or contact.

What are the initial symptoms of coronavirus 2019-nCoV infection?

  • fever;
  • shakes;
  • fatigue;
  • cough;
  • pain in muscles, joints and headache;
  • gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, stomachache, diarrhea) are less common.

Full disease syndrome

  • dyspnea;
  • severe pneumonia;
  • acute respiratory distress syndrome;
  • generalized inflammatory reaction;
  • multi-organ failure.

What can you do to prevent infection?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recalls recommendations that can help reduce the risk of infection.

  • Avoid contact with people who cough and have a fever.
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol-based disinfectant.
  • Use disposable tissues when sneezing or coughing. After use, throw away the handkerchief and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • In case of developing an illness with fever,

visit a doctor and if you have been abroad, please inform him.

  • Stay away from markets with live animals or unprocessed meat.
  • Do not eat raw meat, dairy products or products of unknown origin.

Where can I track information about the 2019-nCoV coronavirus?

We advise you to track information coming from official sources and reliable sites:


If you want to know how the virus is spreading at the moment, check out this interactive map:


The World Health Organization has announced a state of a global public health threat in connection with the spread of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus.

Vistula University authorities keep following the unfolding events and the official announcements in case further measures are needed to be taken.

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