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Conference on the BRICS group of countries

Start: Thu, 16 Apr 2015, 13:15
End: Thu, 23 Apr 2015, 13:15

The international arena is under heavy impact of the Ukraine crisis and criminal activity of the Islamic State. These are very important issues  but we cannot loose from our sight as well other crucial political processes shaping the future of the contemporary, multipolar world. One of them is the BRICS group of  countries.

The conference is scheduled to take place on April 29, 2015, from 2 to 5 pm at the VISTULA University (Akademia  Finansów i Biznesu VISTULA , Warszawa, Stokłosy 3 st., aula1)

What is the  BRICS group and what kind of role is playing in the contemporary world?

Which are the goals and tasks to be achieved by BRICS in the multipolar world?

What is the perception of the individual member countries of the BRICS group and their place in this entity?

The conference dedicated to this subject is going to be organized by the Institute of Foreign Relations and Ambassador’s Club acting at the VISTULA University which is a leading private educational entity in Poland, having more than 5 000 students. Approximately 3 000 among them are foreigners, representing over 20 countries.  

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