Home / Pages / Contact


Recruitment Department


Recruitment Department 

phone : +48 22 45 72 400

Monday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed

Ivan Kordel
e-mail: i.kordel@vistula.edu.pl

International Admission

phone: + 48 501 294 962
e-mail: cooperation@vistula.edu.pl

Cooperation with educational agencies
e-mail: cooperation@vistula.edu.pl

International Admission Officer
(Ukrainian, Polish, Belarussian)
phone: +48 798 066 870
e-mail: admission2@vistula.edu.pl

International Admission Officer
phone: +48 510 858 087
e-mail: admission2@vistula.edu.pl

Accommodation Officer
e-mail: accommodation@vistula.edu.pl

Department of Postgraduate
and Trainings

Dorota Cacar
phone: +48 22 45 72 363
e-mail: d.cakar@vistula.edu.pl

International Admission Office


phone: +48 502 603 174
e-mail: h.bozhko@vistula.edu.pl

International students’ Coordinator
Davut Han Aslan, PhD

Office hours:
Tuesday 10 – 11 Teams
Friday: 10 – 11 Teams

For appointment and in case of urgent matters, please contact via email d.aslan@vistula.edu.pl or call +48 22 457 24 31


Cooperation with educational agencies
e-mail: cooperation@vistula.edu.pl


International Admission Officer
(Ukrainian, Polish, Belarussian)
phone: +48 798 066 870
e-mail: admission2@vistula.edu.pl

International Admission Officer
phone: +48 510 858 087
e-mail: admission2@vistula.edu.pl


Accommodation Officer
e-mail: accommodation@vistula.edu.pl

Dean’s Office

Important announcements

How can we help you?

The Dean’s Office is a centre for administrative matters and information. Dean’s office employees, called Faculty Tutors, deal with the entire administrative service for all University students. The main duties of the Dean’s Office include promoting, issuing certificates, issuing and extending student ID cards, explaining student’s doubts regarding the cycle of instruction. Unfortunately, we also delete students from the roster.

How can we help you?

Our tips

Carefully check all information provided on the PLATON platform and on the USOS website. Keep up-to-date with the timetable, your grades and payments. If you have a problem, write an e-mail to the Faculty Tutor at the Dean’s Office. Always remember to give your name, surname and student ID number. Use your e-mail address at the @ stu.vistula.edu.pl domain. Update your contact details. Make sure, you address your emails to the right departments and to the right people.

Our tips

Student confirmation letters

Student confirmation letters can only be requested via the link.

Your document shall be ready for collection after receiving confirmation by email the next working day between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM at the reception.

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Student confirmation letters can only be requested via the link.

Your document shall be ready for collection after receiving confirmation by email the next working day between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM …

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Student confirmation letters

Coordinators of each major

Coordinators are the Dean’s Office employees comprehensively responsible for dealing with student-related issues of students from specific fields of study (majors). Each field of study (major) has an assigned coordinator, who is an expert and the best source of information as regards to that field of study. Contact the Dean’s Office coordinator in the following matters: certificates, student ID cards, applications, updating personal data, conditional passes, deletions, diplomas.



MONDAY – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (in-person visits)

TUESDAY– online meetings on Teams with the coordinator of your study program (prior booking required)

Link for studies in Polish: HERE
Link for studies in English: HERE

WEDNESDAY – closed

THUSRDAY – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (in-person visits)

FRIDAY – online meetings on Teams with the coordinator of your study program (prior booking required)

Link for studies in Polish: HERE
Link for studies in English: HERE

SATURDAY – closed
– closed

NOTE: there is no in-person services at the Dean’s Office on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays.

Coordinators of each major:

Architecture BA, Computer Science BA – surnames starting from M to Z
Marcin Michalski
e- mail: m.michalski@vistula.edu.pl

Computer Science BA – surnames starting from A to L
Wiktoria Piotrowska
e-mail: w.piotrowska@vistula.edu.pl 

Computer Science MA, Graphics BA
Dmytro Voznesenskyi
e-mail: d.voznesenskyi@vistula.edu.pl


Logistics BA, Business and Security Analytics BA
Oraz Tosunyyazov
e-mail: o.tosunyyazov@vistula.edu.pl 

Finance and accounting, International relations
Veronika Lyubomska
e-mail: v.lyubomska@vistula.edu.pl

Marta Piotrowska
e-mail: m.piotrowska@vistula.edu.pl

Management BA
Ewa Kwaszczyńska – Kowalczyk
e-mail: e.kwaszczynska-kowalczyk@vistula.edu.pl 

Management MA
Kalina Gajewska-Kondratiuk
e-mail: managementMA@vistula.edu.pl

Gabriela Klimczak
e-mail: g.klimczak@vistula.edu.pl

Economics. Full-time BA daily studies
Alicja Mariscal Ponce
e-mail: a.mariscal-ponce@vistula.edu.pl

Thesis defence Department
Anna Kupiszewska
e-mail: a.kupiszewska@vistula.edu.pl

Kalina Gajewska-Kondratiuk
e-mail: k.gajewskakondratiuk@vistula.edu.pl

Deputy Director
Barbara Tyburczy
e-mail: b.tyburczy@vistula.edu.pl

Contact your tutor

    Your first and second name

    Your e-mail address

    Index number



    Language of studies

    Message content

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    Bursar’s Office – financial settlements with students

    General information

    Working hours:

    MONDAY – 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. (in-person visits)

    TUESDAY- 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. (online meetings on Teams with Bursar`s Office prior booking required)

    Link for studies in Polish: HERE
    Link for studies in English: HERE 

    WEDNESDAY –  closed

    THURSDAY – 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. (in-person visits)

    FRIDAY – 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. (online meetings on Teams with Bursar`s Office prior booking required)

    Link for studies in Polish: HERE
    Link for studies in English: HERE 

    SATURDAY –  closed

    SUNDAY –  closed

    NOTE: there will be no in-person services in room 108 (desk no.1) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays!

    108 (1st floor), desk no. 1


    +48 22 45 72 391
    +48 22 45 72 412
    +48 22 45 72 314

    Cash Register Point (payments in EUR) and Debt Collection

    General information

    Working hours:
    Monday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    Wednesday – closed
    Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    Friday – closed
    Saturday – closed
    Sunday – closed



    Cash register point:
    +48 22 45 72 355

    Debt collection:
    +48 22 45 72 365

    Student Activity Department


    Director of the Department of Student Activity/
    Director of the Programme of Study –
    Edip Senyurek
    phone: +48 22 45 72 410
    e-mail: e.senyurek@vistula.edu.pl

    Tetiana Bykova
    phone: +48 22 45 72 352
    e-mail: t.bykova@vistula.edu.pl

    Room: 119A

    Coordinator of Student Clubs
    Sait Cetindag
    phone: +48 22 45 72 407
    e-mail: s.cetindag@vistula.edu.pl

    Room: 307

    Instagram: vistulasa

    Student Council



    +48 22 45 72 392

    Room: 31

    Erasmus+ Program Office


    Coordinator for the Erasmus+ Program
    Jasurbek Babaev
    phone: +48 22 45 72 368
    e-mail: j.babaev@vistula.edu.pl
    Room: 321

    Coordinator for the Erasmus+ Program
    Mariia Chernichenko

    Room: 321

    Rector’s Office – Vistula University


    Head of the Rector’s Office
    Bożena Okraszewska
    phone: +48 22 45 72 370
    e-mail.: rektorat@vistula.edu.pl

    Specialist for administration
    Marzena Trafny
    phone: +48 22 45 72 366
    e-mail: m.trafny@vistula.edu.pl


    Working hours:
    Monday – Friday
    9:00 – 17:00

    Faculty of Business and International Relations



    Anna Wiśniewska, PhD
    phone: +48 22 45 72 347
    e-mail: a.wisniewska@vistula.edu.pl

    dr Eliza Nowacka
    tel. +48 22 45 72 347
    e-mail: e.nowacka@vistula.edu.pl

    Room 106A


    Coordinator for educational quality at the Faculty of Business and International Relations
    Marta Skoczyńska-Respondek
    phone: +48 22 45 72 320
    e-mail: m.respondek@vistula.edu.pl

    Coordinator of the Faculty of Business and International Relations
    Małgorzata Horczewska-Kołodziejek
    phone: +48 22 45 72 388
    e-mail: m.horczewska@vistula.edu.pl

    Room 106

    Contact information – Who are Directors of Study Programs and Year Tutors

    Year Tutor

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic teachers. They also cooperate with the Student Council on matters relating to education as well as to students’ social and living issues. Tutors offer help and advice to students as regards their individual matters as well as matters related to the faculty functioning.

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    Year Tutor

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic teac…

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    A list of all of the tutors Download

    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and coordinate the development of syllabuses. They are responsible for the quality of teaching and they supervise student exchanges under the Erasmus + program and coordinators of student internships. They also participate in the process of assigning supervisors and reviewers of degree theses.

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    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and …

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    A list of all of the directors Download

    Faculty of Computer Engineering, Graphic Design and Architecture


    Elżbieta Kopciuszewska, BEng, PhD
    phone: +48 533 219 900
    e-mail: e.kopciuszewska@vistula.edu.pl

    Igor Protasowicki, BEng, PhD
    e-mail:  i.protasowicki@vistula.edu.pl

    Magdalena Kłęk, BEng, PhD
    phone: +48 22 45 72 356|
    e-mail: m.klek@vistula.edu.pl

    Katarzyna Borkowska
    phone: +48 22 45 72 356
    e-mail: k.borkowska@vistula.edu.pl

    Contact information – Who are Directors of Study Programs and Year Tutors

    Year Tutors

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic teachers. They also cooperate with the Student Council on matters relating to education as well as to students’ social and living issues. Tutors offer help and advice to students as regards their individual matters as well as matters related to the faculty functioning.

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    Year Tutors

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic tea…

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    A list of all of the tutors Download

    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and coordinate the development of syllabuses. They are responsible for the quality of teaching and they supervise student exchanges under the Erasmus + program and coordinators of student internships. They also participate in the process of assigning supervisors and reviewers of degree theses.

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    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and …

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    A list of all of the directors Download

    Foreign Languages Centre



    Deputy Director for Didactic Affairs
    Folayemi Godswill-Oko
    phone: +48 22 45 72 364
    e-mail: f.godswilloko@vistula.edu.pl
    Room: 308

    Ewa Papudzińska
    phone: +48 22 45 72 445
    e-mail: jezyki@vistula.edu.pl

    Mariia Syrodenko
    phone: +48 22 45 72 330
    e-mail: jezyki@vistula.edu.pl

    Online meeting with the Foreign Languages Centre.

    Meeting times – Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 AM to 12 PM (each meeting lasts a maximum of 10 minutes).

    Faculty of Philology and Journalism


    Ewa Sawicka, PhD
    e-mail: e.sawicka@vistula.edu.pl

    Natalia Majczak
    phone: +48 22 45 72 330
    e-mail: n.majczak@vistula.edu.pl

    Contact information – Who are Directors of Study Programs and Year Tutors

    Year Tutors

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic teachers. They also cooperate with the Student Council on matters relating to education as well as to students’ social and living issues. Tutors offer help and advice to students as regards their individual matters as well as matters related to the faculty functioning.

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    Year Tutors

    Year Tutors are appointed lecturers on duty. Their activity is aimed at improving the teaching process. Year Tutors represent students’ interests before the authorities and academic tea…

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    A list of all of the tutors Download

    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and coordinate the development of syllabuses. They are responsible for the quality of teaching and they supervise student exchanges under the Erasmus + program and coordinators of student internships. They also participate in the process of assigning supervisors and reviewers of degree theses.

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    Directors of Study Programs

    Directors of study programs are responsible for the organization and program of studies as well as for the teaching staff. They define the scope of lecturers’ tasks and …

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    A list of all of the directors Download

    Doctorate at Vistula


    Career and Practices Department


    Room: 116/117 (Ist floor)

    Working hours:
    Monday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Wednesday: closed
    Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Saturday: closed
    Sunday: closed

    Dominik Daugielewicz
    +48 22 45 72 358
    e-mail: d.daugielewicz@vistula.edu.pl
    Faculties: Graphics, Computer Science, English Philology

    Ewa Czarnecka
    phone: +48 22 45 72 352
    e-mail: e.czarnecka@vistula.edu.pl
    Faculties: Architecture, Journalism

    Student Assistance

    Student Support Centre


    Scholarship systems specialist
    Marzena Polankowska-Kijek
    phone: +48 22 45 72 321
    e-mail: m.polankowska-kijek@vistula.edu.pl

    Working hours:
    Tuesday – Thursday 11.00-15.00.

    Consulting room


    Angelika Marszewska, M.A.

    Working Hours (Online):
    Friday: 9:30 – 11.30

    Book an appointment: https://book.vistula.edu.pl

    Before registering for a visit, please read the regulations

    Internist/ Occupational Physician
    Maria Zasada-Świderek

    Working hours:
    Monday – Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
    Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
    Saturday (during sessions) 12:00 p.m. – 2 p.m.

    Department for persons with disabilities


    Aleksandra Waleszkiewicz

    Working hours:
    Tuesday – Thursday 11.00-15.00.

    IT Support Department

    General information

    Personnel Department


    Senior Personnel Specialist
    Agata Papudzińska
    phone: +48 22 45 72 307
    e-mail: a.papudzinska@vistula.edu.pl

    Room 27

    HR Department


    Senior HR Specialist
    Dorota Rutkowska
    phone: +48 22 45 72 357
    e- mail: d.rutkowska@vistula.edu.pl
    Room: 23

    Candidates interested in taking part in recruitment processes are asked to contact us at the e-mail address vistula.hr.cv@vistula.edu.pl

    Marketing Department


    Planning Department

    General information


    Space rental


    Rental of rooms and auditoriums

    phone: +48 22 45 72 444
    e-mail: rezerwacja@vistula.edu.pl

    Rental of parking spaces

    phone: +48 22 45 72 444
    e-mail: rezerwacja@vistula.edu.pl

    Publishing House


    Publishing House Director
    Małgorzata Wieteska-Rostek
    phone: +48 22 45 72 389
    e-mail: m.wieteska@vistula.edu.pl

    Room 37

    Secretary of the Publishing House
    Rafał Klonowski
    phone: +48 22 45 72 389
    e- mail: r.klonowski@vistula.edu.pl


    General information

    Working hours:
    Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Saturday – Sunday closed


    phone: +48 22 457 23 93
    e-mail: biblioteka@vistula.edu.pl

    Senior librarian
    Bożenna Bokota
    phone: +48 22 457 23 93
    e-mail: b.bokota@vistula.edu.pl


    Junior librarian
    Artur Krawczyk
    phone: +48 22 457 23 93
    e-mail: a.krawczyk@vistula.edu.pl

    Library Director
    Łukasz Batory
    phone: +48 22 45 72 387
    e-mail: l.batory@vistula.edu.pl

    Project Department

    General informaction



    Director for Project Implementation
    Edyta Niemyjska
    phone: +48 607 166 009
    e-mail: e.niemyjska@vistula.edu.pl

    Deputy Director of Projects Department
    Dominika Bartoszewicz
    e-mail: d.bartoszewicz@vistula.edu.pl

    For the media


    PR Manager
    Bogna Wojciechowska
    phone: +48 506 195 376 
    e-mail: b.wojciechowska@vistula.edu.pl

    Consulting room


    Internist/ Occupational Physician
    Maria Zasada-Świderek

    Working hours:
    Monday – Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
    Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
    Saturday (during sessions) 12:00 p.m. – 2 p.m.

    Centre for Physical Education and Sport


    Director of the Physical Education and Sport Centre
    Jerzy Szyszko
    phone: +48 22 45 72 379
    e-mail: j.szyszko@vistula.edu.pl

    Room 65

    Working hours:
    Monday: 1:20 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.

    Physical Education Teacher
    Aleksandra Waleszkiewicz
    e-mail: a.waleszkiewicz@vistula.edu.pl

    Room: 65

    Working hours:
    Friday: 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

    Reception Desk

    General information

    Working hours:
    Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    Saturday – Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (meeting weekends only)

    The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
    Vistula University in Pultusk

    Vistula University in Pultusk

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